Cilager - Demo Font Regular
>Poznámka autora
Cilager font by Graptail Type Studio is a modern serif with a stencil finish that gives it an elegant, contemporary twist. High contrast and sophisticated in style, its dramatic flair would make it the star in any setting. Let your designs achieve remarkable visual effects with this free display font.
The font is suitable for posters and all typography projects. Use it in magazines, newspapers, food menus, branding projects and packaging of all sorts (cosmetics products, breakfast cereals or instant coffee). Animated videos like lower thirds or dozens of other video cut-ins will also look great in Cilager.
By installing or using this font, you agree to the following Product Usage Agreement:
- This font is a full version and is for personal use only. No commercial use is allowed.
- For purchasing a commercial license, please visit:
- If you require a custom license or corporate license, please contact us at:
- Any donations are greatly appreciated. Our PayPal account for donations is:
Please visit our store for more amazing fonts:
Follow us on Instagram: @graptail
Thank you!
The font is suitable for posters and all typography projects. Use it in magazines, newspapers, food menus, branding projects and packaging of all sorts (cosmetics products, breakfast cereals or instant coffee). Animated videos like lower thirds or dozens of other video cut-ins will also look great in Cilager.
By installing or using this font, you agree to the following Product Usage Agreement:
- This font is a full version and is for personal use only. No commercial use is allowed.
- For purchasing a commercial license, please visit:
- If you require a custom license or corporate license, please contact us at:
- Any donations are greatly appreciated. Our PayPal account for donations is:
Please visit our store for more amazing fonts:
Follow us on Instagram: @graptail
Thank you!
>Tabulka znaků
Prosím, použijte roletové menu ke shlédnutí různých tabulek znaků obsažených v tomto písmu.

Základní informace o písmu
Informace o autorských právech
Copyright (c) 2020 by Graptail. All rights reserved.
Rodina písma
Cilager - Demo Font
Podrodina písma
Jednoznačné označení podrodiny
Version 1.000;pyrs;CilagerDemoFont-Regular;2021;FL820
Celý název písma
Cilager - Demo Font Regular
Verze tabulky názvu
Version 1.000
Postscriptový název písma
Informace o ochranné značce
Cilager Regular is a trademark of Graptail.
Copyright (c) 2020 by . All rights reserved.
Rozšířené informace o písmu
Podporované platformy
UnicodeUnikód 2.0 a následná sémantika, jen BMP Unicode
MacintoshZápadní (roman)
MicrosoftPouze BMP Unicode
Podrobnosti o písmu
Počet znaků93
Jednotek na Em1000
Práva pro vkládáníVložení povoleno pouze pro shlédnutí a tisk
Rodinná třídaBez klasifikace
VáhaStředné (normální)
ŠířkaStředně úzké
Mac styleTučné
SměrJen znaky směrovány zleva doprava + obsahují neutrály