Entulho Stencil
>Poznámka autora
Thanks for downloading ENTULHO STENCIL. We hope you enjoy it!!
Entulho is a stencil typeface with some extra cut-out gaps, based on the vernacular stencil lettering of skips in So Paulo, Brazil. It was designed by Ricardo Mayer, Claudio Rocha and Lucas Franco for NowType foundry.
The idea of Entulho (rubble in Portuguese) was born from a photographic essay by the designer, Ricardo Mayer. It displays a dazzling set of stencilled letters painted in metal skips in So Paulo, Brazil. Random diagonals, superfluous cuts and extra gaps are features of this noisy and chaotic typography. The photographic essay is shown at Banana magazine, on NowType website (link below)
If you'd like to access the full font, including a range of alternates and ligatures, please check it out here: https://nowtype.net/entulho/
Check out also our other typefaces here: https://nowtype.net
All the best,
Lucas and Claudio
Entulho is a stencil typeface with some extra cut-out gaps, based on the vernacular stencil lettering of skips in So Paulo, Brazil. It was designed by Ricardo Mayer, Claudio Rocha and Lucas Franco for NowType foundry.
The idea of Entulho (rubble in Portuguese) was born from a photographic essay by the designer, Ricardo Mayer. It displays a dazzling set of stencilled letters painted in metal skips in So Paulo, Brazil. Random diagonals, superfluous cuts and extra gaps are features of this noisy and chaotic typography. The photographic essay is shown at Banana magazine, on NowType website (link below)
If you'd like to access the full font, including a range of alternates and ligatures, please check it out here: https://nowtype.net/entulho/
Check out also our other typefaces here: https://nowtype.net
All the best,
Lucas and Claudio
>Tabulka znaků
Prosím, použijte roletové menu ke shlédnutí různých tabulek znaků obsažených v tomto písmu.

Základní informace o písmu
Rodina písma
Entulho Stencil
Podrodina písma
Jednoznačné označení podrodiny
Celý název písma
Entulho Stencil
Verze tabulky názvu
Version 1.000
Postscriptový název písma
Preferovaná rodina
Preferovaná podrodina
Rozšířené informace o písmu
Podporované platformy
UnicodeUnikód 2.0 a následná sémantika, jen BMP Unicode
MacintoshZápadní (roman)
MicrosoftPouze BMP Unicode
Podrobnosti o písmu
Počet znaků78
Jednotek na Em1000
Práva pro vkládáníVložení povoleno pro editování (změnu)
Rodinná třídaBez klasifikace
VáhaStředně tučné
ŠířkaStředné (normální)
Mac styleTučné
SměrJen znaky směrovány zleva doprava + obsahují neutrály