Queshia Script Regular
TrueTypeOsobní použití
Queshia Script.ttf
>Poznámka autora
Queshia Script font by Tezar Tantular is an elegant, flowing handwritten font with a sophisticated and decorative style. This classic script font conveys the human touch seamlessly as it brings an innovative feel to designs that need to stand out. Enjoy working with this beautiful hand-drawn penmanship.
Download this free handwritten font for signatures, book covers, educational purposes, invitations, poetry art covers or prints, ebook covers, quotes on handicrafts or apparel products such as T-shirts. Queshia Script also looks great on branding designs and any project made for young audiences.
This is a font demo intended solely for personal use. Commercial use is not permitted.
Donations are greatly appreciated.
For more information about the license, please visit:
To access the full version and commercial use options, visit my website:
Follow my Instagram for updates on my portfolio:
Explore more products at
Download this free handwritten font for signatures, book covers, educational purposes, invitations, poetry art covers or prints, ebook covers, quotes on handicrafts or apparel products such as T-shirts. Queshia Script also looks great on branding designs and any project made for young audiences.
This is a font demo intended solely for personal use. Commercial use is not permitted.
Donations are greatly appreciated.
For more information about the license, please visit:
To access the full version and commercial use options, visit my website:
Follow my Instagram for updates on my portfolio:
Explore more products at
>Tabulka znaků
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Základní informace o písmu
Informace o autorských právech
Copyright (c) 2021 by Keristyper. All rights reserved.
Rodina písma
Queshia Script
Podrodina písma
Jednoznačné označení podrodiny
Version 1.000;PYRS;QueshiaScript-Regular;2021;FLVI-710
Celý název písma
Queshia Script Regular
Verze tabulky názvu
Version 1.000
Postscriptový název písma
Informace o ochranné značce
Queshia Script is a trademark of Keristyper
Created by Keristyper Foundry Studio part of Kerismaker Studio
Rozšířené informace o písmu
Podporované platformy
UnicodeUnikód 2.0 a následná sémantika, jen BMP Unicode
MacintoshZápadní (roman)
MicrosoftPouze BMP Unicode
Podrobnosti o písmu
Počet znaků65
Jednotek na Em1000
Práva pro vkládáníVložení povoleno pouze pro shlédnutí a tisk
Rodinná třídaPsané
VáhaStředně tenké
ŠířkaStředné (normální)
Mac styleTučné
SměrJen znaky směrovány zleva doprava + obsahují neutrály