Truetypewriter PolyglOTT

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Základní informace o písmu

Informace o autorských právech
Copyright ©2012 Sergey Beatoff a.k.a. Sam_T, S&M(T&D)Soft. All rights reserved.
Rodina písma
Truetypewriter PolyglOTT
Podrodina písma
Jednoznačné označení podrodiny
S&M(T&D)Soft:TrueTypeWriter:version 2.39
Celý název písma
Truetypewriter PolyglOTT
Verze tabulky názvu
Version 2.39
Postscriptový název písma
Truetypewriter PolyglOTT font software is designed to simulate a text typed on a standard typewriter. In contrast with other analogical fonts Truetypewriter PolyglOTT was made not as a decorative typeface imitating an "old", "broken", "dirty" and so on... typewriter. It was also not a goal to create an ideally correct typeface, but to reach maximum reality of the text appearance both on the screen and printed on paper. Besides, Truetypewriter PolyglOTT has a multilingual support and also includes a lot of archaic characters, thus allowing to print texts even in the languages for which there have never existed typewriters.
All the glyphs are either made manually (mostly) or based on scanned typewritten letters images. However, they are individually accurately edited in order to find a sensible compromise between the glyphs highly detailed elaboration and minimizing of the control points number. This helps to make a relatively small file size, at the same time preserving highly detailed elaboration.
It is recommended to use font size between 20 and 22 in order to simulate typically standard second half of the XX century typewritten characters.

Rozšířené informace o písmu

Podporované platformy

UnicodeUnikód 2.0 a následná sémantika, jen BMP Unicode
MacintoshZápadní (roman)
MicrosoftPouze BMP Unicode

Podrobnosti o písmu

Počet znaků1795
Jednotek na Em2048
Práva pro vkládáníVložení pro trvalou instalaci
Rodinná třídaSlabské patky
VáhaStředné (normální)
ŠířkaStředné (normální)
Mac styleTučné
SměrZnaky s různým směřováním